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    A study by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine of the American Medical Association found that safflower therapy could reduce the risk of a heart attack and last longer. Longevity in middle-aged men.

    Sauna is the traditional method of Finnish sauna, which causes the body to sweat by the high temperature escaping from the hot stone stove and is quite popular in the world. Steamers poured water slowly into the hot stones on the stove to steam up the room temperature up to 70-80 degrees Celsius. The team surveyed 2,315 men aged 42 to 60, followed them for the next 21 years and recorded 190 deaths from heart attacks, 281 people with severe coronary disease, 404 deaths from coronary artery disease, and 929 deaths from other causes.
     Sauna helps reduce the risk of heart disease - 1

    Sauna is a traditional method derived from Finland. Photo: The Telegraph

    Researchers found that the risk of dying from a heart attack was 22% lower in people who received the sauna two to three times a week, and 63% lower in men who had a four to seven bowel load per week than those who did not. This. Similarly, the risk reduction rate for coronary artery disease was 23% and 48%, respectively, and the risk of coronary heart disease was reduced by 27% and 50%, respectively.

    Sauna time also has significant benefits. By 11-19 minutes, the risk of dying from a heart attack was reduced by 7%, and those who drowned for 19 minutes reduced the risk by 52% compared to non-smokers. The team also found that men who had regular menopause had a higher life expectancy.


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