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    Guide mosaic tiles

    Paving tiles with water (Water content 18-22% compared to the amount of glue). Mix the glue into a homogeneous mixture, no lumps. Time is about 7 – 10 minutes

    1. Materials for tile:

    KELAS-TAH3 tile adhesive: The KELAS-TAH3 high-grade tile adhesive is in accordance with European Standard EN 12004: 2001, C2TE high quality, with the following values:


    Technical properties



    Set time (start / end time)

    200/440 minutes


    Adhesive strength (after 28 days)

    1.5 MPa


    Bending strength (after 28 days)

    6 MPa


    Compressive strength (after 28 days)

    14 MPa



    0 mm


    1. Construction method of tile:


    1. Step 1: Waterproofing pool:
    2. Step 2: Prepare the lined brick surface (laminated, squeeze the surface of the pool made by the pool construction unit.)
    3. smooth ridges off shower base

          3. Step 3: Preparation:

         – Tools: Fly, glue table, tape measure, ruler, container, glue machine, …

        – Check the surface clean, check the flatness with straight ruler in accordance with TCVN error of ± 0.5 mm.

       – Concrete wall, plastered mortar wall ≥ 75.

       – Cleaning the surface of the wall, the bottom of the pool.

       – Moisten the walls by spraying water.

       – Paving with water (18-22% of water compared to the amount of glue). Mix the glue into a homogeneous mixture, no lumps. Time is about 7 – 10 minutes

    mix thinset

           4. Step 4: Covering:

          – Apply 2-3 mm thick adhesive to the surface of the wall and the bottom of the pool.

          – Create a flat surface, create surface adhesion with a pedestal.

    create smooth surface


             Step 5: Mosaic Tiling:

           – Position the brick wall with the line from left to right from the top down.

            – Mesh glue with mesh surface on flat glue.

            – Handle the two corners of the blister paste and ke in the straight line on.

            – Use a scissors table to gently pull on the tile surface in a diagonal style and ensure that the tablets stick to the glue.

              6.  Step 6. Purge and clean (Make after Mosaic paste on glue 04 hours):

            – Wipe the surface before applying

            – Glue with clean water (water rate 28 – 30% compared to glue)

            – Use flexible plastic splinters to seal the circuit board into the mosaic circuit, filling the circuitry. glue-type cross-swimming swimsuit

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