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    Construction method of waterproofing tank (Floating tank)

    1. Surface requirements before handover for waterproofing

    – Removal, removal and removal of obstacles: formwork, timber, iron, barbed ….

    – Concrete penetrations through concrete (perforated walls) should be located and installed by mortar or concrete.

    1. Construction process of waterproofing
    2. Prepare waterproof surface

    – Chisel, chisel clean cement mortar layers, excess concrete to the surface of concrete concrete structure by hand tools: hammer hammer, chisel hammer, nose chisel …

    – With brick tanks should fill the brick, brick mortar with Sika Latex mortar.

    – Around the mouth of the drainage holes through the slab 2-3cm wide, 3cm deep to be able to receive many waterproofing, installation of barred water bar (Hydrostatic bar) and reinforced with dump mortar no shrinkage

    – Grinding the entire surface to be treated with a grinding machine with iron brushes to remove all the impurities, dirt left to have a clean surface, sure to permeate the waterproofing solution well.

    – Clean the dirt on the entire surface to be treated with waterproof brush, brush or portable blower or industrial vacuum cleaner.

    1. Construction process of waterproofing

    – Resilient waterproofing for hollows, hollows, crevices, steel beams … on concrete floors with Sika Latex / Sika Latex and non-shrink grout.

    – Treatment of swaddling rubber bar (bar water) neck through the floor then fill the grout does not shrink.

    After the mortar and hard rock hard dry concrete, remove the mold we proceed to apply the waterproofing or spraying spray following the specific process.

    1. Waterproofing with sweeping products

    Step 1: Mix the water and the corner

    – Prior to the construction of two-component cement screeds we should saturate the water to avoid water-absorbing concrete, so that the waterproofing material will not penetrate to the concrete. water on the surface of concrete)

    – Boiling corner with cement yellow sand + Sika latex / latex TH

    – Apply a thin layer of waterproofing and apply a glass mesh angle of 10 – 15 cm.

    Step 2: Apply waterproofing

    – Depending on each type of product we should apply 2 or 3 layers to ensure the surface covered with waterproofing.

    – Apply anti-penetration layers perpendicularly from top to bottom, the next layer is scanned after the previous layer is dry (about 2 – 24 hours, depending on the outdoor temperature as well as the type of products used).

    – The average thickness of each layer is 1mm. The dosage used for each layer is 1 – 2kg (Depending on the level of waterproofing and depending on the requirements of each type of product to use), so the dosage used is from 2 to 6 kg / m2

    – Mixing materials should be divided into several small containers for multiple application at the same time.

    Step 3: Points to note

    – For cementitious products, good maintenance is required to ensure that the material is free of adhesion and good adhesion to the waterproofing surface as well as to the solid film.

    – Do not mix too much material at the same time to avoid over-construction

    – After the waterproofing layer has dried (After 24h), we should plaster a protective layer (cement + sand) on the surface of the waterproofing layer.

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