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    How To Backwash a Pool Sand Filter

    How To Backwash a Pool Sand Filter

    After a period of time, the contaminates in a sand filter start to clog the sand to the point where water flow is significantly diminished and the pressure gauge rises 8 to 10 psi above normal operation readings. To clean out the contaminates, you have to backwash the sand. This guide shows you the steps in backwashing a filter.

    Step 1

    Turn off power to your pool pump at the circuit breaker. To prevent damage to the valve, or any other pool equipment always turn off the pump before moving the multiport valve’s handle

    Step 2

    Depress the valve’s handle and turn it until the selector notch points to BACKWASH, then release the handle.

    Tip for preventative maintenance: Always turn your valve’s handle the same direction when changing settings; either always right or left. Do not turn opposite direction even if the other way is a shortcut to your desired setting. This reduces chances of uniting the spider gasket and undue wear and tear.

    Also, make sure the handle is fully depressed when turning the selector handle.


    Step 3

    Make sure Waste hose is securely connected to the valve, and free of kinks to allow for free flow to your desired drainage point.


    Step 4

    Turn on the pool pump breaker, then turn on the pool pump. Let the pump run for about two minutes or until the water in the sight glass is free of silt. 

    Note: If you’re planning a longer than normal backwash and rinse due to an excessively dirty filter, set you suction diverter to only pull water from your main drain. Making this change will prevent your pump from losing prime or running dry if the pool’s water level drops below the skimmer.

    Step 5

    Turn off the pump again

    Step 6

    Set the valve to Rinse. Depress the valve selector handle, then turn it to the Rinse setting. After a backwash, sand and debris becomes unsettled settle in the filter’s internal plumbing. The rinse setting returns to the normal path through the filter, flushing debris to waste.

    Step 7

    Turn the pump on, let it run for about a minute or until the sight glass is clear of silt and sand.

    Step 8

    Turn off power to pump to set the valve selector handle to its normal Filter setting.

    Step 9

    Turn on the pump to resume a normal filtering schedule. Check your pressure gauge to ensure the system’s pressure has returned to your pool’s normal “clean” PSI range.

    WRITTEN BY:  Inyo Pools

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