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    Swimming pool waterrproofing

    I. Concrete surface requirements before handover for waterproofing:


    – Removal, removal and removal of obstacles: formwork, wood, steel, cast iron, stagnant water …

    – Concrete defects such as holes, pits, etc. should not be covered by cementitious mortar before application of waterproofing.

    – Do not use water to mix cement powder to soak or sweep cement tank maintenance items before the waterproofing treatment.

    – Coat and use a cutter or wind cut stone to remove excess steel beads on the concrete floor to a depth of at least 2cm compared to the concrete surface.

    – Concrete drainage pipes or concrete boxes should be located and installed with a minimum of ½ of concrete. The technical boxes in the toilets (if any) and walls should be built and plastered cement mortar at least 30 cm high to reinforce the waterproofing with concrete floors.

    II. Construction process of waterproofing

    Processes include the following basic steps

    – Investigate the current status of water leakage to find the cause of the problem

    – Design of construction methods and application of materials

    – Implementation at the construction site

    Step 1: Determine the cause of the infiltration

    In buildings such as storage tanks, elevator shafts, basements …. The main causes are identified as follows:

    – The quality of construction at the expansion joint and the circuit is not good, no waterstop PVC water resistance or swelling rubber bar at the circuit stop construction.

    – Concrete surface is porous

    – Prior to the above incident, we have consulted materials and repair methods from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and conducted the training of technicians specialized in leakage troubleshooting. Drainage, water permeability through suspension circuit or expansion joints to meet the needs of the market.

    Step 2: Types of application materials

    We usually use materials and equipment from a number of suppliers:

    – Hybrid bar: Sika Hydrotite CJ, Hyper Stop DB 2015

    – Non-shrinkage mortar: Sikagrout 214 -11

    – Rapid concrete: Sika 102, Koster Waterstop

    – Piston pump SL-500 (Taiwan)

    – Needle D-10/15/20 (Taiwan)

    – PU UF-3000 (Korea)

    – PU SL668 / SL669 (Taiwan)

    Step 3: Execute

    Construction method of stop circuit

    Step 1: Check the permeability of the circuit

    Step 2: Crack the groove at the infiltration line from 3 to 5 cm deep. With denser concrete points, deeper. At the point of water leakage, the implementation of high pressure glue pump to push water before the waterproofing work stop.

    Step 4: Clean the gutter using a high-pressure sprayer, hand-held broom or blower (How to clean it)

    Step 5: Wrap the water by spraying or watering the grooves to prevent condensation

    Step 6: Put the hydraulic rod into the groove and grout grout grout to seal the groove surface.

    Step 7: Maintain concrete

    Construction method of high pressure pump

    Basic steps:

    – Step 1: Check and clean the surface of the leak.

    – Step 2: Drill at the leak point, place a water pipe that reduces water pressure at other leakage points (only for strong leaks).

    – Step 3: Place the 1-way valve into the hole drilled and turn it clockwise until the valve is firmly attached to the concrete.

    – Step 4: Remove the dirt on the surface of the permeation point to provide the best conditions for the colloid to be injected into the leak.

    – Step 5: PU UF 3000 / SL 668 / SL 669 pump inside the crack with SL-500 / SL-600 high pressure pump.

    – Step 6: Cleaning: Once the glue is completed, after 1 hour, one-way valves can be removed, flattened, and cleaned to the surface of the leak.

    III. Other applications

    Treatment of basement water leaks, hydropower plants.

    Water leakage at the expansion joint – slit.

    III. Note them

    For specific waterproofing cases, customers should contact us for better advice before construction.

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