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    Standard swimming pool design for schools

    Building swimming pools for schools is extremely necessary
    Building swimming pools for schools is extremely necessary
    Normal schools are classified by age group: kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school; high schools, colleges, universities … depending on the level of education that when building swimming pools have different standards appropriate to the physical condition and health of students. 

    One of the priorities for schools today is to build swimming pools right from preschools to elementary schools to help them get acquainted with the water environment and exercise their bodies. Dangerous cases when falling into the water. However, in order to be safe it is necessary to have standards when building. The standards are as follows: 

    Standard of function, area of ​​the school swimming pool

     To ensure the safety and privacy of the male and female students, the pool area needs a changing room, a bath for men and women with clean, closed standards. 

    School-level safety standards are guided as follows: 

    – For preschool swimming pools: depths designed only in the 10cm-50cm range for private student areas with darker dimensions. Water surface is 6mx10m x 0.5m; or can change the design to suit the needs of use; However, there should be a separate nursery area. In addition to the preschool swimming pool, additional models of toys such as slides, dolphins, water fungus, etc. can be designed to stimulate inquisitive and child-friendly learning in the environment. water field …

    Swimming pool for elementary school
    Swimming pool for elementary school 
    – For swimming pools for primary and secondary schools: the standard of depth is from 40cm to 90cm and the common water surface is 7mx12.5 x 0.9m or change accordingly. Change of premises and actual use. Swimming pools for elementary and junior high schools can be designed with extra bases and splash pools at the bottom of the lake so that students can become familiar with the swimming pool environment. 

    – Standard for swimming pool High school and college, college: suitable size of surface water is 12.5m x 25m x 1.5m; However, it is necessary to divide each area with a depth ranging from 0.8 m to 1.5 m; Flexibility varies according to the actual site and the need to use each school but still have to ensure the safety of students.

    These are the standards of performance, depth, safety and space suitable for schools by grade level. However, an important criterion for all school swimming pools is to ensure Be clean, safe water source; This should be regularly checked and adjusted according to the day of use. 

    Investment in physical and mental development for students in schools is essential; And building a swimming pool is a measure with many advantages. However, when constructing the owner, it is important to refer to this useful information to ensure the safety and best development of the student.

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