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    Pool waterproofing

    Pools and water tanks are susceptible to frequent direct contact with water. Therefore, waterproofing for swimming pools and water tanks is mandatory for every building.

    I. Concrete surface requirements before handover for waterproofing:

    – Removal, removal and removal of obstacles: formwork, wood, steel, cast iron, stagnant water …

    – Concrete defects such as holes, pits, etc. should not be covered by cementitious mortar before application of waterproofing.

    – Do not use water to mix cement powder to soak or sweep cement tank maintenance items before the waterproofing treatment.

    – Coat and use a cutter or wind cut stone to remove excess steel beads on the concrete floor to a depth of at least 2cm compared to the concrete surface.

    – Concrete drainage pipes or concrete boxes should be located and installed with a minimum of ½ of concrete. The technical boxes in the toilets (if any) and walls should be built and plastered cement mortar at least 30 cm high to reinforce the waterproofing with concrete floors.

    II. Construction process of waterproofing:

    Preparation of surface waterproofing

    – Chisel, chisel clean cement mortar layers, excess concrete to the surface of concrete concrete structure by hand tools: hammer hammer, chisel hammer, nose chisel …

    – On the surface of structural concrete, check and chisel open the mouth of large cracks or penetrating the floor (if any) in the groove width 1-2cm, 2cm deep. Chopped wood chips, paper, impurities left on the concrete surface, especially at the corner of the wall cover with concrete floor.

    – The pits, pockets, pits … will be chiseled to remove the adhesive, chisel wide and deep to solid concrete.

    – Around the mouth of the drainage holes through the concrete floor (if located right in the process of pouring concrete, but not installed water stop products), chisel 2-3cm wide, 3cm deep to receive Many waterproofing, installation of barred water bar (Hydrostatic bar) and reinforced with non-shrinkage compensated mortar.

    – Use a hammer with a thin and sharp steel blade to check and clean all chemicals, paint, impurities, cement glue, excess cement penetration or adhesion on the surface of the concrete structure to treat waterproofing.

    – For slabs of concrete or footprints around the balcony floor, roof floor, roof welcome lobby (20-30cm height) will be cleaned impurities, dirt to treat the waterproofing consolidation. with concrete floor. In case the concrete floor is deflected floor (WC area, sloping roof), apart from the ridge of reinforced concrete, the edge of the wall of the building brick mortar right above will be treated reinforced with high waterproofing. Minimum 20cm (to avoid water splashes use later practice). 

    – Grinding the entire surface to be treated with a grinding machine with iron brushes to remove all the impurities, dirt left to have a clean surface, sure to permeate the waterproofing solution well. Thoroughly clean the dirt on the entire surface to be treated by a brush, scrub brush or hand blender.

    – For drying of natural dry concrete surfaces or for drying wet areas on the surface with a hand blown machine.

    Construction process of waterproofing:

    – Treatment of waterproofing mortar for pits, holes, cracks, steel beams … on the floor with concrete oil and shrinkage compensated shrinkage.

    – Treatment of swaddling rubber bar (bar of water) at the expansion joints, neck through the floor then fill up the mortar does not shrink.

    – In cases where the floor deflection and sanitary drainage pipes are arranged on the floor through the wall in the technical box, these tubes will be wrapped with swelling rubber bar (bar of water) around the tube near the wall rubbing the box. Technically, it is poured into the wall of the technical box (about 10cm thick and high up with concrete slabs around the floor). – After the hard dry concrete, remove the molds to the oven, paste, spray or spray

    Waterproofing with cement based products

    Step 1: Prepare construction tools and surfaces

    – The construction tools can be sanding, brushing, flying or mortar spraying machine.

    – The concrete surface should have a certain moisture content (but not water) prior to the application.

    Step 2: Execute

    – Apply two layers perpendicularly from top to bottom, the second layer is scanned after the first layer to dry (about 2 – 24 hours, depending on the outdoor temperature as well as the type of product used).

    – The average thickness of each layer is 1mm. The dosage used for each layer is 1 – 2kg (Depending on the level of waterproofing and depending on the requirements of each type of product to use), so the dosage used is from 2 to 6 kg / m2 2 or 3 classes depending on the actual requirements).

    – Mixing materials should be divided into several small containers for multiple application at the same time.

    Step 3: Maintenance

    – Normally, two types of waterproofing materials are cementitious products. Therefore, they need good maintenance to ensure that the materials are completely frozen and create good adhesion to the surface as well as waterproofing. The membrane is solid.

    – After finishing, the surface should be cured immediately to avoid dripping too quickly by continuous spraying, covering with plastic or wet sacks.

    – If the reservoir is to be constructed, it should only be discharged into the reservoir after full maintenance of the product after 3 days.

    Step 4: Points to note

    – Do not mix too much material at the same time to avoid over-construction

    – When painting surface finish, the protective mortar (cement + sand) should be covered with waterproofing layer.

    – Do not add water to the hardened material.

    – Do not apply material under the sun.

    III. Note them

    For specific waterproofing cases, customers should contact us for better advice before construction.

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